Whether it's individualized help, peer support or
groceries that our students need, we're there for them.
Northmen Den Youth Services makes a difference!
We nourish our students by providing food, mentoring, and tutoring in a manner that respects dignity and individuality while sustaining dreams.
What We Do
422 Club 4U
Part of our vision to support students in need is to go beyond basic physical needs and provide a well-rounded sense of wellbeing. Surveys of area youth report a lack of activities for students after school. Our program offers fun indoor and outdoor activities for Middle School and High School students.
Group Coaching
Our coaching program is open to 8th graders – 11th graders in a small group between 10 – 15 students with 3 trained mentors. Participants learn from each other and see that peers in their age range have similar situations and feelings as they work together.
Youth Food Pantry
Our fifteen school-based youth pantries function to provide students, aged 11 to 18, with necessary food and supplies that they may not otherwise have. Most live in limited income households with a lack of resources and we’re happy to step in and help thanks to the generous support of our donors and volunteers.

Get Involved Today
Northmen Den Youth Services makes a difference!
We nourish our students by providing food, mentoring, and tutoring in a manner that respects dignity and individuality while sustaining dreams.
"Volunteering provides an opportunity to interact with local youth. We joke, we encourage, and we support. If I can make one child feel genuine warmth and care, I've made a difference"
-Kathy S., Hornets’ Nest Volunteer

Coaching 8th graders – 11th Graders to Reach Their True Potential
Integrity, self-discipline, determination, and initiative are just some of the necessary skills students need to succeed both in and out of school. That’s why our 2023-2024 School Year coaching curriculum includes; Habitudes for Building Character: The Art of Self-Leadership, Character Spark, and Character Strong. Reaching over 1.2 million students in 10,000 high schools.

In the podcast, Kathy has guests on the show to talk about youth issues within the schools. From food insecurities to mental health, they listen to people with stories and use the podcast to try to find ways that everyone is able to help with the youth growing up in our world.
Students in Need of Assistance add: Emmet County Students in Need of Assistance
Total MS & HS Students
Students Dealing with Hunger Daily
Percent of Students Total